Saturday, December 10, 2005

Wells Fargo, does what Ford should have, stuck to their guns

Found this story over at AutoBlog, looks like Wells Fargo has the cajones, that Ford lacks.
Faced with a similar threat by another Right Wing group, Wells Fargo stuck to their guns, and told the group to take their business elsewhere.
Bill Ford seen here, has been silent on the subject.

Update: Ford met with LGBT groups, some are readying counter protests and boycotts of Ford. Click the link to read some of the T-Shirt slogans ;


Big Ford Fan said...

I liked a different idea I saw over there. Take one of those fish symbols, put a Ford blue oval inside and underneath the pharse "Inequality Job 1"

But not the kitty, that's just wrong.

Big Ford Fan said...

Dotty Gale, thanks for the updates, I'll post something soon. Crazy schedule this week.