Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Links to left and as headers

Hi, if I ever get any visitors, please check out the sites in the link collumn to the left under my profile. There are some very cool resources there for true Ford fans.

Also if you haven't noticed the headers for some posts are slightly brighter and underlined. That means they are a link to a site related to the subject of that post. I will also just type urls into the body of text, and they automatically become links, such as or . To visit those sites, you can just click on the text.

I've spent the last few weeks, scanning the internet for interesting Ford related sites, and hope that you can benefit from my searches. I of course am not responsible for problems associated with these links. I post them and test them to make sure they work. If a site has any pop up ads or I experience problems, I think are related to that site, I remove the link.

If anyone likes my blog and would like to link to it from their site, please feel free.

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